Unitarian Universalist Services
Over the years, I've been fortunate to have given sermons and led entire services for several UU congregations. Although I am not a UU minister, there is a strong tradition in Unitarian Universalism for lay-led services, and several of the congregations where I've been a member were only served by a part-time minister, so many others graced their pulpits from time to time.
I have begun the study leading to my becomming a Comissioned Lay Leader for my local congregation. My specialization in the CLL program is on leading worship services. I've put this on hold a bit while I serve as Treasurer, but I intend to complete the CLL once my financial duties are over.
What follows is a collection of sermons and entire services I've given over the last several years, some in audio format, many in PDF form.
I hope you enjoy these, and if you wish to hear any of them in your own congregation, please see the Guest In Your Pulpit service of the Ohio-Meadville District for details. Services are available in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format and/or as an mp3 audio recording. Click on the icon for the version you wish to download.
Service Title or Subject |
MP3 |
The Role of Reason in Religion |
Why Are We Here? - Ritual, Religion, Spirituality |
Do You Hear? - on Violence and Marginalization |
Darwin Day 2013 - Darwin on Slavery, in his own words. I deliver this one in personna, if you will. |
The Elements of Reverence (for Humanists) |
'Tis the Holiday Season - tradition and ritual |
Let Me Pencil That In - on experimentation |
Drinking the Holy Water - a Reverent Humanist? |
Doubt Can Set You Free - doubt or cynicism? |
I Have Known Rivers - streams do hard work! |
What's This About Covenant? Alice Wesley's Minns Lecture condensed, on Dedham, MA |
In The Spirit of Caring Fellowship - Stewardship |
Still We Dream - Martin Luther King, Jr. |
Cooperation, Covenant, Community, a Conversation - more from Rev. Alice Blair Wesley and the Commission on Appraisal |
That's Original! - sin, that is... |
Darwin's Interconnected Web - a longer (and stronger?) version of Darwin's words... |
Doubt Was Our Foundation - considering doubt on the Fourth of July. |
Doubt Is My Foundation - another version of this conversation |
How Does an Atheist Go to Church? - good question. This is my attempt to answer it. |
Dr Joan Webster, Reflections of a UU Buddhist Chaplain - I served as worship associate, wrapping the service around Joan's message. |